A trip of unknown length

"For you, the morning star shall rise once again. Bringing its light and warmth upon your face, casting the shadows to its wake, letting the light of the small stars rest. For you, its beauty will come in the east, after night has given its power over. And the birds will sing, and the air will smell heavy of moisture.
And I will be gone. Yesterdays winds will have taken my body and mind across the landscape. 
It can not take all of me, however. Like the rain, the wind may move me to its will, but my effects will be left behind. Though the rain has stopped, and the sun has brought forth its light, the ground is still wet, the air still heavy.
Though my physical being may be gone, myself does not need be dead to you.
I only ask, as I leave tonight, that you keep me alive in your memory. I only ask that as I journey, I do not become dead to you, that my existence does not pass into the wayside. That what I have done here will have lasting effects, with you and everyone, like the rain's moisture giving life to the plants that beg its relief. Let me leave a place that will grow."


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