Chapter 1: A restless night
I need some air. Tonight, I wasn't content with the stale atmosphere of my apartment. I couldn't relax with the confinement of these four walls keeping me in. Even the exhilarating mental stimuli created by diving into another's created world through text couldn't hold my restlessness at bay. There was nothing particularly stressful from the day, except possibly the lack of anything really substantive. This whole week I've felt like I've merely been surviving, and not advancing in any direction. Not that I was entirely sure what direction I would want to advance in, but I seemed O.K. with advancing for the sake of itself. I sighed, tossed my book to the side, sat up, and examined at my clock, which doubled as a thermometer. 2:43 A.M. 42 degrees Fahrenheit . I looked out my window. Raining. I smiled to myself. Whatever. I swung myself from my bed, and slipped from my room. Moving slowly through my living room, I eventually found myself in my kitchen. Here...